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Trauma-informed method 1:1
Restore & Regulate your mind, heart & nervous system
through somatic embodiment

Trauma-informed method is an approach to creating a safe, supportive space in which students can learn emotional regulation skills through connection with the breath and increased body awareness
 grounding, self-awareness, managing the stress-system and reducing the fear response.

Trauma-informed yoga is a specialist branch of yoga which helps people recover from the impact of trauma on the body, brain, emotions, nervous system, and sense of self. The first stage is focused on creating safety, learning to manage difficult emotions, and beginning to consider and explore what trauma-related patterns may exist and how we might work with them.

It is delivered by Accredited TIY specialist teacher. 

It is maybe helpful to make it clear what Trauma-informed yoga isn’t. It is not psychotherapy, it is important to make that clear, psychotherapy can be helpful/vital, however it works at a cognitive level, the mind, not an embodied level, body based practices. Everything we experience in life, the good, the bad, the happy, the sad is experienced by our whole being,  talk therapy as a stand-alone might not be enough to heal our wounds, helps us grow and evolve. Talking therapy and Trauma-informed yoga work alongside each other to support each other.

Trauma-informed yoga is a tailored practice, that can be adapted to meet your personal needs. It is very different to a regular yoga class. Trauma-informed yoga includes grounding, self-awareness, managing the stress-system and reducing the fear response.

Trauma-informed yoga is a practice of many layers, its foundation is about creating safety, if we cannot feel safe or at home in our own being, it may be difficult to heal, grow or live a full life. Creating safety is the foundation for healing and there are many ways this safety can be achieved, there is no set time, patience is required but also a sense of faith in the tools. During the practice there is choice, an invitation to practice, this is different to a regular yoga class. Choices and a genuine holding of space, which allows a sense of exploration. Different practices and tools will work for different people. We practice with a sense of playful curiosity; progress will be considered in many ways. 

To summarise TIY teaching up it would simply be, looking after your nervous system.

We get taught so many tools that look after the body and mind, however if the nervous system isn’t coping neither the mind or body will function well, looking after our nervous system whether we are experiencing little t trauma or big T trauma,  is essential.


A big T event is one that most people would consider traumatic, this kind of trauma is also an example of what is known as acute trauma. This is a trauma that comes from a singular traumatic event, rather than ongoing distress.

Examples & ways it’s expressed

  • Experiencing violence

  • Witnessing violence

  • Life threatening events 

  • Witnessing a death 

  • Sexual violence 

  • War

  • Natural disasters

  • Violent crimes

  • Serious accident

  • Unexpected loss of a loved one


  • Heightened/excessive anxiety

  • Inability to sleep through the night

  • Increased + irrational sense of distrust 

  • Dissociation

  • Increased aggression


A little t event is something that exceeds our capacity to cope and causes a disruption in emotional functioning, it’s experienced as traumatic at a personal level, this can lead to chronic trauma.

Examples & Ways it’s expressed


  • Loss of a pet

  • Emotional abuse

  • Childhood bullying 

  • Relationship break down

  • Emotional abuse

  • Ongoing financial concerns 

  • Bullying

  • Non-life threatening injuries

  • Harassment 


  • Heightened anxiety

  • Irritability

  • Memory issues

  • Trouble sleeping 

  • Fatigue



Society talks a lot about Post Traumatic Stress, no one talks about Post Traumatic GROWTH, it’s a real thing, if you invest in yourself and do the work, which is heavy and dark at times, you do heal. We live in a culture that promotes run or numb your pain, which often does not work, anyone that’s tried that coping strategy knows that full well, we must be brave, take the support we need and know that Post Traumatic GROWTH is there for anyone willing to do the work.


The pace of one-to-one sessions will be slow, steady and collaborative.


If you feel you could benefit from one-to-one Trauma-Informed Yoga, please contact





£700 per block of 10 sessions (weekly or fortnightly)

A minimum of 10 is suggested, all sessions are offered online live via Zoom

Phone consultation prior to sessions commencing is advised, complimentary & confidential.

Non negotiable cancellation policy: less than 24 hours notice your session is fully chargeable



Trauma-informed yoga Testimonial

'Being someone who usually prefers to blend into the background, not at all confident and who does not like to be on camera, I was initially a bit apprehensive about undertaking these sessions on a one-to-one basis. However, immediately, from the very first session Carli created a warm, intimate and safe and supportive atmosphere in which I felt welcomed and also held. Her gentle spirit and kind soul were like a soothing balm, and I felt myself relax and loosen a little. I found the sessions to be incredibly helpful and calming and I feel as though I have been given a handful of tools to carry with me which I can use at any time to alleviate panic or overwhelm. I am already implementing the grounding tool by noticing colours and textures whenever I feel at risk of panic taking hold in my daily life and I have found it to be so helpful in bringing me back to the present moment. This in itself I hope will become an invaluable tool and prevent panic taking over which means I will hopefully be able to lead a more normal life going forward. I have learnt to notice when I am gripping and tensing and then how to relax and release that tension, just that awareness of being tense in the first place, by squeezing and squeezing and then experiencing the release, has allowed me to relax a little more and notice when I am unconsciously tense. These are tools that I hope will help me further along the path of healing and eventually dislodge past trauma. I realise that this will be a long journey, but I am incredibly grateful to have been given access to these tools and to have started along this path. For me, they are a little handful of jewels that I will carry in my back pocket for when I need to remind myself to see the light. It has been a privilege and an honour to have taken part and am so grateful to Carli, for her knowledge, her kindness, her teaching and her heart.'

I’ve been doing online and monthly yoga classes with Carliann for over a year now. I felt that I needed more peace and calmness to my being; which Carliann excuses throughout her practices. Her zen and calm, love of yoga and wanting to share that with everyone comes through across all of her teaching - most importantly all of the benefits yoga brings to the physical body, mind & mental well-being. 

After a lot happening & deciding to change my career, but also having gone through past trauma experiences, I decided to join Carliann’s for some Yoga Trauma Informed 1:1's. Her teaching method & practice brings peace to anyone, you can do it from the comfort of your own home. 

These 1:1s were important for me to re-centre, look at things differently, stopping & resting to take on board all the simple things that we need in life to feel fulfilled, have mental well-being and be as healthy as possible. 

It makes you consider what you need, what’s important, what makes us happy and what is our bliss. 

Time to think and focus on yourself, I’ve learnt is so important. 


Thank you Carliann for always making people feel safe, your valuable teaching and the zen vibes you always bring

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